Mousse au Chocolat
So I went through this great chocolate mousse phase. The first time I made it, it was a total flop and had the consistancy of cake batter. Delicious cake batter, but batter none-the-less. So I made it several more times, experimenting with dosage and technique. Here is the result: my much-researched and PERFECT recipe for a painfully rich Mousse au Chocolat.
- 2.5 to 3 dark chocolate bars, about 7-10 ounces total (70% chocolate), this can be varied according to how rich you want your mousse.
- 1/2 to 1 cup whipping cream (again, to taste)
- 4 eggs
- 1 tablespoon sugar
1. Separate eggs, put the whites in the fridge on standby.
2. Break the chocolate into pieces and then melt it in a double boiler or microwave, using just enough heat to gently melt the chocolate. Stir the chocolate with a wooden spoon as it is melting.
3. While the chocolate is melting, whip the egg whites until foamy (but not too stiff) and whip the cream until it is foamy and starts to form peaks. Apparently neither of the whipped ingredients should be whipped until TOO stiff, because that will make it difficult to mix.
4. Once the chocolate is melted, add the sugar to the melted chocolate, stirring until it is mixed in.
**A NOTE ABOUT FOLDING** This is the most important step, because you have to be extremely delicate. If you mix too much, you'll pop all the air bubbles and your mousse will be mush. So you have to "fold" very gently, and as little as possible.
5. Fold in about 1/3 of the egg whites to the chocolate mixture, this should "fluff it up" a bit, to aid in the future folding.
6. Fold in some of the whipped cream, followed by some of the remaining egg whites. Continue to fold in both ingredients, VERY DELICATELY, alternating between the two until both are finished.7. Once all the ingredients are added and mixed in, spoon the mixture into individual glasses or a big bowl. Place in refrigerator for at least an hour before serving, or up to a day.
I like to serve this with some alcoholic options for each guest to mix in at his or her will. I usually put bottles of rum, Gran Marnier and Bailey's on the table. My favorite is with rum... yummmm...
I can't wait to try this recipe! I went through a chocolate mousse eating phase when I was around 11 - and I don't know why it stopped. MUST. EAT. MOUSSE.
a note to you is long overdue. This is sam...
Couple of things: your photographs are lovely and your site is clean and such a great idea.
I am very jealous of your Italian adventure, specifically the food and your beach ventures on the weekend.
And lastly, I love your hair. Leah can explain.
Cheers for painful mousse!
are you guys taking these pictures or stealing them from somewhere? they are so good! i want to eat mousse after every meal. xo n
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